Saturday, January 30, 2016

Seal And Send Wedding Invitations - A Great Way To Save Money!

Seal and Send Wedding Invitation- Birch Tree- White and Blue

Seal And Send Wedding Invitations - A Great Way To Save Money!

One of the newest and most ecologically friendly ways to announce your wedding is to send seal and send wedding invitations to your guests. Not only is this way of sending invites good for the environment but it is also very cost effective. Another great thing about this type of wedding invitation is that it is a fairly new way of doing things in the world of weddings. It may be so new that you might not have any heard of the send and seal revolution!

You may be asking your self right now what exactly are seal and send wedding invitations? Well that is actually quite easy to answer. Seal and Send Wedding announcements are your traditional invitation but designed in such a way that you . What you are eliminating is the need for a separate envelope. All you need to do is fill it out, fold it, stamp it, and send it. 

Sounds Pretty Easy Right? Well it is. It's Also Easy On The Environment

Not only are brides and grooms trying to do there part for the environment but so is the general public. That general public includes the guest to your wedding. Sure most of your wedding guests will keep your wedding invitations but maybe 1 out of 100 will keep the envelope. There is really no point in this day and age to send the two of them separately anymore. From most wedding guest that we deal with the majority of them still prefer to receive them in the standard mail vs receiving them via email. Their is something just more formal and more inviting about receiving a wedding invitation by mail.

OK so we have pretty much covered the basics of what send and seal wedding invitations are and hopefully this will help you in your pursuit of the perfect wedding announcements.

Ready To Shop For Some Great Examples Of Send And Seal Wedding Invitations?